Our 2014 Legislative Agenda
This legislative session, Transit for Livable Communities will:
1) Support the Move Mn Legislative Package to fund transit, bicycling, walking, and roads and bridges statewide.
- Metro area transit/bicycling and pedestrian projects
- Greater Minnesota transit
- Greater Minnesota bicycling and pedestrian projects
- Roads and bridges statewide
2) Support General Obligation (GO) Bonding for transit, high speed rail, Safe Routes To School, trails.
- Southwest LRT - $81 Million
- Heywood Garage - $20 Million
- Arterial BRT - $15 Million
- 35W South BRT - $20 Million
- Transitway Capital Improvement - $60 Million
- Greater MN Transit - $8.24 Million
- Safe Routes to School - $3.2 Million
- High Speed Rail - $26 Million
- Various trail projects that have a transportation function
3) Support legislation to allow electronic and photo monitoring for enforcement, data collection, traffic planning, driver education, and as a means of reducing road wear, crashes, and injuries.
- Legislation is expected to allow cities to use this technology if they desire. Cameras would photograph a vehicle license plate and the driver of the vehicle. Tickets could only be issued for red light running and nothing else. This legislation would comply with current state law, unlike the former program in the city of Minneapolis.
4) Join and support the Minimum Wage Coalition working to raise the minimum wage in Minnesota to $9.50 per hour in 2015.